Sunday, 3 January 2016

Flat Plan for Music Magazine Double Page Spread

My final addition to my music magazine will be a double page spread, the topic will be the interview that was featured on both the cover and contents page. 

Masthead: Many articles in magazines feature bold quotes from the articles and use them as mastheads, I find this to be a good way to start the article rather than having a masthead that isn't as relevant to the text as a piece from the article itself. I chose this as the title because it's something which would surprise and result in the reader being drawn in. I expect that I will use the same font as the one I have been using so far, Trajan Pro, and that it will be bold so that it stands out on the page.

Images: I have two options here, either to have an image on both sides or just one on the right hand side; both sound good in hindsight but one is bound to look better than the other. What I picture for the first idea is that on the left I will use on of the images that posted previously of my friend, whilst the page on the right will be of an image I took in London to represent her career change. This will reflect her career within the industry, going from only playing her acoustic guitar to taking a big step in her life which changed it massively. Whereas the primary idea may be more simplistic, less manic, have a better layout and therefore appearance which is ideal for any magazine regardless of it's topic. With that in mind I will decide on what works best when I am making it on Photoshop.

- What inspires you?
- Who are your favourite artists?
- Will you be going on tour?
- Are you writing a new album?
- What do you do outside of work?
- What has been the highlight of your career so far?
- Questions such as these.

These are rather generic questions which fans would tend to ask, so I thought that these would make a good basis for an interview. Furthermore the whole concept of readers sending in their questions for who may be one of their favourite artists will attract an audience. On top of that the fact that it is an "exclusive" interview implies that this kind of opportunity is rare, so whilst this upcoming star gives her answers readers would be drawn in. As for the design, I will use a range of the colours that I have chosen so that there is so vibrancy and differentiation between each question.

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