Friday, 1 January 2016

Flat Plan For Music Magazine Cover Page

Below are two of the flat-plans that I have drawn up, and could possibly use as the basis for my completed magazine cover and contents page. Although the two designs are not as minimalistic as I had previously wanted, I thought that I would create these and also make two other designs, one for each page. As a result of this, when it comes to the production of the magazine I can make two versions, and then go on to use them to make a final decision.

Masthead: As of now I haven't decided on what font I wish to use for the title, let alone the cover lines and so on. However, I imagine that the font will be that of a large and bold design which will capture the audience's eye and become a recogniseable feature. Obviously this is a very important feature because of the impact that it can have on the product's success. For example, fonts that have been used for such brands as: Coca Cola; Google; Adidas; H&M; Disney; Rolling Stone and so on are very identifiable. Typically magazines use fonts of a large and bold style, and so it seems suitable to ensure that the masthead follows this.

Main Cover Image: Ideally I want the main cover image to be simplistic but also clearly be relateable to the music industry and representative of the genre. So, I picture it as a close-up portrait of a friend of mine who will be holding an acoustic guitar in front of a red brick wall, or by the river Medina in Newport. This may reflect the artist's musical background and their routes, therefore it wouldn't be irrelevant to the genre let alone the magazine.

Final Notes: As of this moment I have not yet decided on what colour palette or article titles I will use as I would prefer to test it out when the magazine has the cover image on it; that way I will be able to make several versions and be able to choose which one I'll use.

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